Sweet Vase Arrangement
Sweet Vase Arrangement
A petite garden-style floral centerpiece featuring an organic & natural design. Each centerpiece will be designed in a glass or ceramic vessel for you or your guests to take home and enjoy.
This versatile centerpiece size works well for: a cocktail table, 4-person seated table, lounge coffee table, or grouped / mixed with bud vases running down the center of a banquet table. (We recommend a minimum of 2-3 centerpieces on a standard 8-10 foot banquet table.)
The fine print:
Please provide us with your desired color palette or any favorite flowers at check out.
All centerpieces will be designed in our signature garden style using a blend of locally grown and imported flowers in a clear glass or ceramic vessel.
We will meet virtually 30 days prior to your event to confirm your color palette and preferences.
We will do our best to interpret your color palette and bring your vision to life using the best of what’s blooming locally and available to us through our wholesalers.